Bloomfield Parks, Recreation & Leisure Services
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Winter Break @ The Rec Register View Cart

Looking for something to do during Winter Break? Join us at the Alvin & Beatrice Wood Human Services Center for Winter Break Camp. Children in Grades K-8 will be able to do Arts & Crafts, board games, Xbox 360, the Nintendo switch, sports in the gym or hang out in the youth center and play Pool or Air Hockey (Parents must provide a lunch and snacks for the day) 

*No Camp 12/25*

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Winter Break @ The Rec 
N/A K - 8 MTuWThF  12/23/2024 - 12/31/2024
08:00 AM - 05:30 PM

Alvin & B Wood Human Services Center - Youth Center Lounge - Room 155
$200.00 Res, $400.00 Non-Res
Parents must provide transportation, a lunch, and snacks for the day. All required forms found below are due BEFORE the first day of Winter Break Camp. NO CAMP 12/25
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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